Thursday, May 28, 2009

Terry's Update

I just finished talking to my sister. Her spirits are good today, although she is having bouts of nausea since they started her on solid food a few days ago. If she can keep the stupid nurses away she might have a good day today. I called her yesterday when she was in the middle of an argument with, as she put it, the dumbest nurse she's ever met in her life. Had to wait for a call back and then got the explanation that when she had asked for her pain medication, he had brought half of the dose. She asked why and he said, that's what she was given earlier. She said go get the rest and let me have it and he said he couldn't because he threw it out. Man, wasting good morphine like that. And who paid for it? That's what I want to know. Terry has never been one not to tell you what's on her mind. I'm just glad I wasn't there to hear all of that.

Terry is on the verge of going home from the hospital. The doctor talked about it yesterday and today he is in surgery all day so he sent the resident in. I don't know if the resident can give going home orders or not so we will have to wait and see. She was given nothing by mouth until this past weekend. Then she was given jello, tea, juices, you know, the general liquid diet for a few days and they weighed her. She told me she gained 40 lbs since she went into the hospital. "Darn, Val, this is one heck of a diet. Now, I'm going to have to give up jello!" she said. Let's hope not. We love jello sooooo much! Since Tuesday, she has been on solid food. I know it is such a relief for her not to have her food go in her mouth and out her stomach fistula as before. She has had some nausea with that. Now the real gastric bypass diet begins. Oh, and I don't think the box with the doggie goodies has arrived yet. I haven't heard a word about it. Now Terry and Curtis will celebrate their lucky 13th anniversary June 1 and Michael and I and my mother have a gift in the mail for them being shipped today. I won't mention it yet. She might go home today and spend the rest of the day on her computer. (If you do, I love you Terry, but you'll have to wait. I'm not spilling the beans on here.)

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