Sunday, November 23, 2008

Good News

Today is a great day for my sister, Terry. She finally had all the tubes removed from her throat and is alert and breathing on her own. She is unable to talk right now due to a severe sore throat. It isn't known yet how much longer she will be in ICU but she is slowly making progress.

Michael and I took a drive to Tionesta Creek to get out of the house between snowfalls. We had about 3 feet of snow in 4 days at our house. Tionesta Creek had a little bit of ice on the banks but the creek was running so smoothly and quietly. How peaceful with all the snow around. Looks like more snow is coming for next week.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sister's Recovery

It's hard to believe just two posts ago I was waiting to hear when Terry would be coming home. Now she is in ICU fighting for her life. She has been in a medicated coma since her second surgery Thursday, Nov. 14 after her stitches from the first surgery broke. The doctor has a wound vac, gauze inside her with two tubes on her side pumping and one tube from her mouth pumping toxins from her system. She is on a ventilator and the work that is doing is slowly being decreased each day. The report today is that she will be in ICU at least 5 more days to keep her sedated because the pain is extreme. I know prayers are working and each day will get better.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What's this ????Marcy????? all about?

I should apologize to some of you who have only known me by my middle name. I used Michael and Marcy's Wild Ideas for our title for a couple of reasons.
1.Michael and I have the same first initials which works well in our joint email address.
2.My mother's first name and my first name are Marcy and I've been told by my husband on numerous occasions that I seem to be acting like my mother (telling kids how to behave, bossy, mothering, smart 'know it all') . Frankly, I think it's my teacher traits! I have several teacher friends that act the same way and they've never met my mother. But my sister and I have had that discussion that both of us are acting more and more like our mother everyday. Aughwhudhghkhgguguguhhh, It might be true.
3. The "wild" in the title comes from the area we live in. In order to attract more tourists to our area, Western Pennsylvania has been labeled "The Pennslyvania Wilds" It is a beautiful place to live and visit with lots of wildlife and wild fun to be had by all. Come see us!!!

Seriously, I can't think of anyone I would rather be more like, than my mother. She is smart, generous, compassionate, and one heck of barrel of laughs. Not to mention my best friend in every way. Your the best "Muh" in the whole wide world. And please don't make me explain why we call my mother "Muh". Make my sister tell you. She's the one that couldn't say "muh --ther" when she was little.

By the way, Terry, my sister is hopefully coming home today after gastric bypass surgery. Have to get the pipes moving before they let her go. TMI? Sorry Terry.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Oh hockey fans. If you didn't watch the Detroit Red Wings play the Pittsburgh Penguins tonight, you missed a good, no, great game!!! The Penguins stayed behind throughout the game until the last minute when the score was 6 to 5. The Penguins tied the game up with less than 30 seconds. Then the Pens win in overtime. Score???? 7 to 6 Penguins. What a game. GO PENS! I love to see the Red Wings lose.

Sister's Recovery

It's 1:44 pm and I'm waiting to hear if Terry has made it home from the hospital. Yesterday seemed to be a trying day for her and she was ready to come home. She's been trying to get rid of the gas pain in her side which came from the air being pumped into her for the surgery. I understand she's trying to do everything the doctor says. She's hot, she's hungry, and you betcha, it's time to come home. So call me someone. I'm waiting to hear!