Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Look What I Found

I took a little drive today after stopping by Sears for a grill cover. (Our old one doesn't fit the new grill.) I was hoping today would be the day that I found the swans and cygnets. Michael and I did take a drive this past weekend to see if we could find the swan family but the wind was so fierce and the temperatures plumetted that we couldn't blame the swans for not showing up for us. I did have luck today. Mama was cleaning herself while the three babies rested until one of the little ones decided it was time to go for a swim. What luck... I got pictures of that too. Looks like she had triplets and she's a good mother. As soon as that one took off into the water, she was right there with him and the other two went in with her. Dad? Don't know...didn't see him today but they mate for life. Maybe he had to go to the bar for a break!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's so cool that you were able to take photographs of mama and her babies. Do you have a telephoto lens? A close-up photo of the swans would be great.