Thursday, April 2, 2009

Michael and I go on little drives sometimes and we love following the rivers and creeks near us. The Allegheny River just happens to be the big one going through our town. Sunday we happened upon two swans. One was on her nest. The other was floating with some mallards. We didn't have the camera then, but last night we did go back with the camera to get a picture of mama on her nest. She was asleep. We found the other swan floating alone and then as I was taking the picture of the mama, two other swans flew downstream and landed. I got them also. How gorgeous. Michael asked why I was so amazed by these birds. Now where would I see swans in their natural habitat in TEXAS? This wasn't the first time I saw swans here. I did see a flock of about 20 Trumpeter Swans on the Allegheny about 3 years ago. They even made the front page of our newspaper.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Swans attract me because they move so gracefully.